This is some of my favorite books on art right now. I go to these for inspiration and to practice different styles of art. I mostly practice calligraphy, illuminated lettering and Celtic design when I’m not working on too many other projects. The Fantasy Art Masters is one of my oldest treasured art books. It’s one of my biggest inspirations for my art.


Experimenting with Prismacolor pencils and Polychromos

I have been using Prismacolor pencils for a good amount of time now.  They are great for layering color.  They can help you put more precise details into your paintings too.  I wait until a painting is dry and then I can add some detail whith a well sharpened pencil.  I have never used Polychromos, but I ran across this great product review about Prismacolor vs. Polychromos:

Lianne Williams does such a good job at showing the pros and cons of both pencils. She shows good comparison pictures of using both in different drawing techniques.  I definitely would love to try both pencils in my art some time after reading her product review.

Check out Fine Art America’s beach art page.  They now sell your art or other artists art on beach towels, totes and so much more.

<a href=”; style=”font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;”>beach art for sale</a>

The Creativity Post: Daring to Push the Boundaries of Creativity


Daring to Push the Boundaries of Creativity